Date Recorded: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 | 7:30-9:00 pm EST
CEUs: 2.5 hours or 2.5 NVRA credits | Not eligible for NCRA
Recording Access: Unlimited viewing on our website (purchase and login required) until at least October 01, 2022
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” – Unknown (often misattributed to Albert Einstein)
I think you will agree that we can all apply that quote to some (or many) aspects of our lives, but let’s talk Eclipse Vox. Are you simply surviving day-by-day happy to produce your transcripts on time and not really knowing how you’re accomplishing it? Do you often say, “I know there’s a better way to do this”?
The Eclipse voice community requires a little extra TLC because we are operating TWO extremely complex pieces of software and they need to be as cohesive as possible.
Treat yourself to an evening of rebooting and recharging. Join me as we dial it way back and reaquaint ourselves with Vox setup, to include the necessary speech input settings and user settings for optimal performance from Dragon and Eclipse. We will go over preparing for a realtime translation and making sure all of our audio is set up properly and in good working order and how to troubleshoot on-the-fly. Let’s talk about tips and tweaks we can make for more efficient production. The objective is to have you going into your next job refreshed and more confident in your take down.