Trainer Qualifications & Bio
Bettye Keyes, CCR, CSR, CVR-M, RVR is the reporting industry’s first certified realtime voice writer to develop and author works related to speech-recognition-based realtime voice writing techniques and theories. She is a Certified Court Reporter and Certified Shorthand Reporter at the state level and also holds Certified Verbatim Reporter-Master and Realtime Verbatim Reporter certifications through the National Verbatim Reporters Association (NVRA). Bettye has used speech recognition from the inception of her reporting career and has written books, produced training videos, and built realtime training programs across all voice writing disciplines throughout the United States and abroad. She currently lives and works as an official court reporter in the State of Maryland as she continues to contribute her ideas and methods to cultivate the reporting profession through the advancement of realtime voice writing practices taught by educational institutions.