Eclipse Vox Testimonials
Here's what leading Voicewriters are saying about the NEW Eclipse Vox!
Bettye Keyes, CCR, CSR, CVR, RVR "Eclipse Vox was an amazing discovery for me. It can actually make the correct word selections when speech engines don’t. That aspect of it saves you a lot of time and trouble. Another wonderful thing about this program is it’s for everyone, novices and advanced realtime writers alike. Because of its simple user interface, you don’t have to learn everything it can do before you derive benefit."And now with the special programming included in the latest version being released, Eclipse Vox delivers even more than the best accuracy performance around. 2009 marks the year of a truly remarkable technological breakthrough that no one could have guessed was even possible to accomplish with CAT software development: Eclipse Vox has actually solved the text drop-down problem Dragon users face. To say that Eclipse Vox merely improves Dragon's speed would be an understatement. For the first time in voice writing history, we experience no lag in realtime. Yes, you heard me, "no lag"! ??"The best realtime accuracy combined with the best speed performance?! Wow!!! The new Eclipse Vox is nothing short of a miracle. I don't know what else to say about it, except that Eclipse Vox is the best realtime voice writing product there is, and that's the bold truth!
Jim Bouck, CCR, CSR, PSSC, CVR, CM, RVR "The voicewriting revolution has begun. If you have ever become exasperated trying to wring one more percentage point of accuracy out of Via Voice or if you have ever wanted to give Dragon a kick in the pants while waiting for text to flow to your realtime screen, your troubles are over. And if you have just been waiting for the perfect moment to make realtime a part of your reporting career, your dreams have come true. Together, Eclipse Vox and Dragon, already the best in the world at what they do independently, have truly revolutionized voicewriting, and put the wonder back into speech-recognition realtime again. Not since the first time I saw my words flow onto a computer screen or received that first-ever RVR certification have I been so excited about the state of our profession’s technology. Within five minutes of dictating my first words into Eclipse Vox, I knew our world had changed forever. The instant flow of text to the screen coupled with the artificial intelligence of Eclipse has created a whole new world of possibilities for the voicewriting community. The software you’ve been waiting for is here. So whether your interest is in official or freelance reporting, captioning or CART, please join me in taking advantage of the new Eclipse Vox and all of its wonderful tools, and let’s revel in the possibilities." |
Click here to watch Eclipse Vox demos! |
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