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Instructor: Wil Wilcox
CEUs: 1.5 hours or .15 CE credit
Date Recorded: March 18, 2023
Recording Access: Unlimited until at least July 1, 2023.

Students save 50%, and school instructors are free!
School Instructors: Free attendance does not include a certificate and/or credit. To attend free, please call 772-288-3266, Mon - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm ET to request access. If you need a certificate and/or credits, please complete checkout with your payment below.

WEBINAR CREDITS: To redeem webinar credits, please call 772-288-3266 during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm ET to request access. Please know your website username before calling.


Wil will show you some of the most useful new features in Eclipse 10, and a preview of what's new in Eclipse 11.  You’ll learn about some inexpensive audio interfaces to help you get the best audiosync in in-person, remote and hybrid situations.  If you are having problems using a Zoom kit and/or VoiceMeter, Wil can help you.  You’ll also learn about which equipment to use as backups, and the productivity benefits of  plugging an external monitor into your laptop.

Trainer Qualifications & Bio

Wil Wilcox is a freelance court reporter, Eclipse user of over 20 years, representative, and trainer.  During this time, he has presented many workshops and seminars on Eclipse and tech tips.  His goal is to stay up to date with the latest and most advanced technology and to share this information with other court reporters so that we may all benefit and keep our profession strong.


Recent Webinars

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Maximize Accuracy and Productivity w/Eclipse
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