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Please note that the trainers listed below are independent contractors, and are not employed by Advantage Software. Advantage Software cannot be held responsible for any issues that arise between you and your trainer.

If you are interested in becoming a trainer for Eclipse and/or AccuCAP, please email


Carrie Hewerdine
Alameda, CA
Phone: (775)220-7999
Advanced Trainer
Will Travel To: California, Arizona, Oregon & Nevada
Notes: Expertise: Reporters converting to Eclipse from inferior products :-) - Realtime and auto briefs. Setting up Connection Magic and editing from the steno machine on the fly. Training available in California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Washington
Terri Mundt
Southwest Washington
Phone: (503) 297-3733
Phone 2: (503)314-1155
Advanced Trainer
Will Travel To: Oregon and, Tacoma & Seattle
Notes: 25 years as a court reporter & Eclipse user. I love teaching & training on Eclipse software & Passport writers, combining my two passions: court reporting & teaching.


Maureen DeRuyter
DePere, WI
Phone: 920-336-7232